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PartnershipsASCENT and Streamline


Sales Inquiries:
Chandler, AZ

Streamline Vacation Rental Software’s Mission

To create technology that enhances and optimizes the overall experience for travelers, managers, and providers in the world of accommodations.Our integrated partner Streamline is a customer-driven group of people who deliver excellence in service every single day.

They are one of the top lodging partners offering secure, innovative, and reliable software in the vacation rental and corporate housing industries. Some of their features include: CRM, lead management, triggers and automation, revenue management, websites, and seamless trust accounting utilizing Ascent as a trusted payments partner for several years.

Ascent’s Benefits

A few of the ways we can make your life easier by sharing some features that set us apart from other payment solution providers:

  • ASCENT has specialized in credit card processing for the vacation rental industry for more than 20 years. Unlike a local bank we truly understand how your business works and offer the best rates and service with the most transparent Interchange Plus program.
  • We walk you through all steps involved to get your PCI Compliance certificate providing essential security, peace of mind, and breach coverage*
  • We offer full chargeback support at no additional cost
  • You as the merchant are refunded your credit card fees on credits and returns that you run, this can add up to substantial savings over the course of the year
  • ASCENT will proactively review (free of charge) what a guest receives from you to make sure your documents are the most effective in standing up against chargebacks (eg. Confirmation, Terms and Conditions, Lease Agreements, etc.)
  • Now offering ASCENTpay powered by Flex Pay, a guest loan product that guarantees zero chargebacks
  • AscentZeroCost 100% compliant surcharge program
  • No Setup Fees, No Contract Length Requirement, No Cancellation or Early Termination Fees

*partner bank may provide financial coverage if you are certified PCI compliant through their program


Our team is here to ensure starting to accept payments or your payment transition is seamless. We deliver the most advanced solutions for our merchants and partners with respect, honesty, and transparency.

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